Monday, July 16, 2012

Chapter 21 Killer Among Us

Word Count: 113,352

I actually thought I'd never get through the last two chapters. They are by no means finished. Both need to be edited and revised. They're not polished, just the first attempts at getting the words down. I wish I could say they were perfect. Alive and moving. I explained yesterday to the honey, how writing them works. This is what I said.

"Writing is like flowing water, you can't stop the water or control how much flows, all you can do is direct it, and hope it moves the way you want it to. That's how writing feels. I know what I want to happen, I start the chapter with a certain goal in mind. But the words flow and go where they want to, I just try to help them along in the right direction."

Words are like water.

It's the best description I have to explain the way it feels. It's a careful balance living inside the flowing words, and hoping you control them and not the other way around.

I still can't believe that I'm this close to being finished. One more chapter and an epilogue. Roughly 6,000 to 8,000 more words. It could be less, but I know myself.

Each chapter is roughly 20 pages or more, between 4,000 and 6,000 words. If the epilogue gets too fat I'll just make it a chapter. But I've rambled on long enough.

Time to get back to work.......

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