Saturday, July 14, 2012

Chapter 20 The Wild Hunt

Word Count: 104,468

This is when things get hard. Not hard like getting through the first 19 chapters, and revising, revising, revising. No. This is hard like broken keyboard, unsaved chapters, starting over, and finding that one perfect myth to tie it all together. I was so sure last week that I'd be farther along by now. LOL haven't I learned anything?

Writing takes time.

I know this, I know it even before the words come to mind, or my fingers touch the keyboard. I know that writing takes time. I am at that all important chapter of the book, the part where Lo helps hunt a murderer. This should be cake, this is the one chapter I have thought about since the beginning. I know what I want to happen, what needs to take place, but I feel like the well is empty, the inspiration and whisperings of my muse quiet.

What now?

I re-read the same ten imperfect pages hoping it will come to me. It needs to be perfect, its that important to the story. All of my descriptions seem overused. I already did a paragraph describing the ripped flesh with maggots squirming beneath the surface. I already did torn abdomen and yellow ropes of intestine hanging from the open wound. This is horror, its supposed to be terrifying, suspenseful, at least a little description. Every word is flat and lifeless, boring, and not good enough. Is it terrible to hold myself up to such high standards, this is my first book. My first born novel.

Writing takes time.

I will repeat this until the chapter starts to move me, until the words come to life. I will repeat this until the most important chapter of he book is written.The next chapter matters, of course it does but this one, this one, is Lo's introduction to The Wild Hunt. She's a virgin to it, so like any virgin, I want everything to be just right (since it wasn't in the real world :-). And to be perfectly honest what first time ever is truly perfect?

Writing takes time.

My new mantra. I will be so glad when this chapter is done. I don't even want to think about query letters, or synopses. I don't know if I even want to send them out. I think I might just get my feet wet, self-publish. But I will never self-publish if I don't get this damn chapter written. Two to go, plus an epilogue............Writing takes time........writing........takes.........time.

Deep breath..... Let's get to it.

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