Thursday, June 21, 2012

Writing Goals........

I have been working on The Wild Hunt for a very long time. Over three years, off and on, mostly off if I'm being honest. I recently took a six month break from the story.

Something just felt off......

I wasn't sure what I wanted my story to be. I was so wishy washy that it started making me crazy. I would re-write and re-write, and still something was missing. I wasn't sure what I wanted my story to tell.

Finally after my break it was suddenly clear. It's about overcoming loss, and forgiveness. Forgiving the flaws in yourself and other people, and realising that only you can save yourself. I guess I wanted a protagonist female I could look up to. Someone other girls would cheer on. Mouthy and tough but hiding a sensitive center. We don't have to be just one thing, strong or weak, beautiful or ugly, right or wrong. There is good and evil inside of all of us because we are flawed, imperfect. I also wanted to show that a female lead could be both weak and strong. Not just one or the other.

Lately it seems like all the books I read the females are either spineless, or emasculating. I hope Lorelei is a bit of both, because God knows we all are anyways. Give and take, ying and yang, dark and light. Two faced, complicated, human.

So now that I found my goal, I can finally finish my story. I'm looking forward to it. I owe it to my grandpa, the reason I started writing to begin with.

Who tries to write a book without a goal, what kind of dumbass does that you might ask?

<-----------this idiot does!!!

I'm not particularly proud of that but what can I say. We're all flawed right. I had a concept, an itch I couldn't scratch, an obsession to get my idea down on paper. Now I finally have my goal, my message. I don't know if all authors do what I did (probably not) some might not even have an idea what the message is when they start. All I know is that this bear of a story gave me hell from the beginning, and I'm so glad that it did. Strange right? I learned so much about writing, and myself as a writer. I hope that the next one is easier (please God!!), but before I get ahead of myself, I've got to finish this guy. I'm strangely optimistic, it can't get any harder right..............Right?

I'll leave you with my new favorite band. Clarensau I Would Trade (ironically called grandpas song), love you grandpa, hope up in heaven you're giving them hell, and I'm making you proud!

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