Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Sometimes I still see you,
you come to me in dreams,

It's like my mind betrays me,
and I wake up saying your name,

I hate that I can still smell you,
that I ache to feel your touch,

I guess it doesn't matter how long it's been or who's in love,

There was just something about you, something deep only I could see,

A spark, a bright shining beacon, drawing you to me,

Is it really just as simple as timing being wrong,

If there's such a thing as soul mates, I've got to wonder if you were the one,

I feel like I'm betraying the one who loves me now,

Except you never loved me, never wanted the wife the kids the house,

A part of me still lingers wanting to hear your voice,

Taste your kiss, feel your passion, give in fully, have a choice,

When will my heart forget you, will it ever, is it true,

God I wish it didn't hurt so much to remember loving you.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who fell for the wrong person. We can't control our hearts anymore than we can control our dreams. I'm probably not the only writer to come across a person who didn't believe in them, but those assholes and jerks serve a purpose. I want to prove them wrong. Luckily I have someone now that believes in me, but that belief isn't half as motivating as the asshole who said I couldn't.

So fellow authors, here's to the assholes who said we couldn't, it will be my ultimate pleasure to prove them wrong!!!!

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