Friday, August 9, 2013

Scent Hound Book Trailer

Usually I make these things before a book release. Usually....for some reason on top of my formatting problems, My Movie was giving me hell as well. Every time I tried to open the file and make changes, move text boxes etc. My Movie would freeze and then shut down.....without saving my changes.

So in an attempt to adapt to my pain in the ass book trailer making software I started saving after every change, and I do mean EVERY. CHANGE.

About every ten seconds I hit the save button. It took forever but eventually it got done. I'm nothing if not adaptable. So screw you My Movie I won.....haha. No amount of annoying freezing was going to hold me back. And in the words of someone far smarter and more eloquent, Adapt or Die.

So without tooting my own horn anymore and becoming increasingly obnoxious here is the book trailer for Scent Hound.

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